Without a Mouse
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Laptops? - Argh!

teeny joystick on a laptopo keyboardHow long do you spend every day fiddling with the trackpad or that teeny weeny joystick on your laptop?How frustrated do you get, getting the pointer into just the right position? How much time do you spend doing that? Wouldn't you like to spend that time getting on with your work?

Never fear, help is at hand. "Windows Without a Mouse: First Steps" will make your computer use so much easier...

Consign your mouse to the Recycle bin!

Windows Without a Mouse: First Steps book coverThis valuable e-book is packed with nearly 50 pages of practical advice. It is available in PDF or MS Reader formats. So you can read it on your laptop or desktop computer or carry it on your favourite PDA for easy reference. You need never be without it!

You could have a one-to-one training session (call me!)

You could trawl through the Windows help system to find the shortcut keys...


If you have a credit card you can buy it now for only $14.97 (USD) - about 10 GBP or 15 Euros.

Convinced? Buy now Windows without a Mouse- in PDF format (770Kb) or mp3 format (445Kb) now!

Need more convincing? Read on ...

Are you a touch typist?

Do you ever get fed up of

  1. taking your hand off the keyboard and onto the mouse/mouse pad/nipple;
  2. wiggling the pointer on the screen so that you can find it;
  3. moving it to the right place;
  4. clicking;
  5. moving your hands back onto the keyboard, and then
  6. finding your home keys again ready to do the next bit of typing?

This book is just perfect for you.

Buy Windows without a Mouse in PDF format, mp3 format or Microsoft Reader format now!

Difficulty with your hands?

Look no further!

Use Speech Recognition to talk to your computer?

Buy right now!

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