Without a Mouse
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Alternatives to the Mouse

Keyboard Accessible Software

So many software developers these days create software using a mouse and don't seem to consider those of us who would rather not use a mouse. So this page contains a list of outside of the mainstream software that can be used without using the mouse. Some of them are free applications. Others you will need to pay for. Many of these, though, have a demo version that you can "try before you buy".

The lists that follow are by no means exhaustive, and will certainly be added to over time. If you have any software recommendations please let me know via email. The only claim I make on behalf of any of the software mentioned is that it is keyboard friendly. Please check that what you download will be applicable to your system. Each of the links on this page will take you to someone else's web site. caveat emptor.

The list is separated into the following sections:


Mind Mapping

Web Page Creation Software

I use Macromedia HomeSite. This isn't free but you can try it out for 30 days. I love it and used it to create this web site. It isn't WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) so you do need to know HTML code to use it. It has keyboard access to absolutely everything and lots of nice features. You can get hold of it from Macromedia

OCR (Optical Character Recognition = "scan to text")

Ever had those times when you have some printed text and you need to transform it into electronic text? That's where OCR software comes in. Most scanners come with some basic OCR softwre. If you want something with a bit more power try:


I'm hooked on Su Doku and have just found that the game from RegSoft can be used without a mouse. It isn't the default otpion put you can at least change the option without using the mouse through the Option dialog (F4)